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Web-site design for WaterFest

To create a vibrant and dynamic landing page for a fictional Water Fest event, inspired by the artistic shape of a 3D water droplet:
Provide clear and engaging information about the festival, its program, and activities
Highlight the event’s energy through a modern, eye-catching design
Create an interactive and inspiring visual experience for users
The design process started with inspiration drawn from the unique 3D droplet shape, which became the foundation for the entire visual theme
Integrated a consistent call-to-action button across all pages to simplify ticket purchasing and drive conversions
Implemented an intuitive layout, highlighting the event’s schedule, imagery, and contact information
Created separate pages for “About the Fest” and “Gallery” to provide detailed insights and an engaging visual experience
Inspiration & References
Riga, Latvia
+371 27464774
Austin, US
+1 512 731 7952
Feel free to reach out!
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